Headaches in Children

Headaches are often regarded as something adults suffer from. In fact, it’s more common in children than you’d think. According to studies, up to 8% of preschool children and up to 80% of teenagers experience headache at least once a month.
The good news is that headaches, including migraines, tend to be much shorter in children than in adults. It’s worth learning some signs to recognise the symptoms of headache in your little one so that you can help them to feel better again.
There are many different types of headaches and reasons as to why they occur.
Many children develop a headache when they get a feverish illness of any sort. Other causes include inflamed sinuses, toothache and eyesight problems.
Usually headaches aren’t a sign of anything serious. But see your doctor right away if you’re worried by your child’s headache, or it’s accompanied by other symptoms that you’re unsure about.
Here are some simple steps to help your child get through a headache or migraine attack:
• Lie them down in a room that’s quiet and dark.
• Place a moist cloth over their eyes or forehead.
• Ask them to take deep breaths.
• Encourage them to take a nap – sleep will help to speed up recovery.
• Encourage them to eat or drink something (but not drinks containing caffeine).
Giving your child a simple pain reliever such as Nurofen can help ease their discomfort and relieve their headache symptoms.